Set in the 1950s, this colorful new adaptation of the novel by Agatha Christie (one of her favorites) boasts a star-studded ensemble as a host of suspects. Three generations of Leonides inhabit the family’s palatial estate, and when the patriarch dies under mysterious circumstances, granddaughter Sophia (Stefanie Martini) enlists former lover Charles (Max Irons) to investigate. Glenn Close is Lady Edith, the current head of a household that includes Gillian Anderson, Christina Hendricks, Christian McKay and Julian Sands, among others. Lovelorn Charles starts to investigate Sophia’s mysterious family under the watchful eye of Scotland Yard chief inspector Terence Stamp. Rated PG-13. Writers: Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey), Gilles Paquet-Brenner, Tim Rose Price. Director: Gilles Paquet-Brenner. (UK 2017) 115 min.
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