Dark Red Forest is a beautiful invocation of the unique daily life of women devoted to their faith, an intimate engagement with a hidden world. 20,000 Buddhist nuns live in a monastery on a snowy plateau in Tibet. Surrounded by harsh nature and secluded from the outside world, these women offer us a glimpse into their exploration of life’s biggest questions. Far away from their families, the nuns commit everything to reach an awakened state, entrusting themselves to the lama and each other. Filmed on location at Yarchen Monastery. In Tibetan and Chinese with English subtitles.
Director: Jin Huaqing (China 2021) 85 min.
Director JIN HUAQING spent six years making this film, visiting the monastery over 40 times and often living among the nuns for months at a stretch. He has five award-winning previous films, and is an active film studies teacher with Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, and Suzhou University.
$13.25 General | $9.75 Seniors & Youth | $7.75 CAFILM members