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In the Ice Age of our near future, the last remnants of humanity survive aboard a high-tech train that perpetually circles a route through our frozen-dead planet, with the Haves at the front and the Have-Not populace in the back. This outrageous premise drives the lively new dystopian art-thriller from Korean genre specialist Bong Joon Ho (The Host), directing in English with an international cast, including Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Song Kangho, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, Jamie Bell and Ed Harris. As the underclass decide to fight their way to the front, Bong combines satire and allegory with kinetic action and dazzling visuals. Rated R for violence, language and drug content. Writers: Bong Joon Ho, Kelly Masterson, inspired by the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige. Director: Bong Joon Ho. (South Korea/US) 126 min.

“Its lessons about human nature are thought-provoking, but perhaps not as memorable as its motley, eccentric display of humanity in extremis. And though the movie is playfully postmodern in its pastiche of styles and its mingling of sincerity and self-consciousness, there is also something solidly old-fashioned about the way it tells its story… Planetary destruction and human extinction happen a half-dozen times every summer. It’s rarely this refreshing, though.”
– A.O.Scott  |  The New York Times

Read the full review here.

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