This popular series returns for a second season, with a continued focus on issues related to teen wellness in the areas of health, mental health, sexual health, and substance use and abuse—creating a community forum for education, communication, understanding, and awareness. Each screening will be followed by an in-depth panel discussion with filmmakers, film subjects, and/or subject area experts. A portion of the proceeds for this series will go to support Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) Wellness Centers.
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Desperate to understand why her best friend killed herself at 16, teen filmmaker Jacqueline Monetta asks her peers to share their struggles with mental illness and attempted suicide. Through their intimate teen-to-teen conversations, we gain invaluable insights into not only their battles with depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal ideation, but also into how they successfully sought help. Each teen paints a vivid picture of the depths of despair they suffered and how talking about it saved them, demonstrating that mental illnesses, like physical illnesses, can and should be treated. Director Jacqueline Monetta and Kiki Goshay (US 2016) 51 min.
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CFI Education is building the next generation of filmmakers and film lovers through its creative film programs for Bay Area students, serving more than 8,000 young people per year as well as hundreds of educators, adults, and families. Featuring a rich program of screenings, events, seminars, and hands-on workshops, CFI Education introduces students to the power of film, promotes global awareness, fosters media literacy, develops critical thinking skills and lays the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of cinema.
TUHSD Wellness Centersoffers specialized support for teens at their high schools including health, mental health, substance use/abuse and sexual health services and education. TUHSD Wellness offers both direct services (1:1 + group services) as well as school wide prevention and educational programs for students. TUHSD Wellness partners with a wide array of local community organizations to provide expertise and support to our teens. Learn more at the TUHSD Wellness website