SUNDAY, JULY 22 • 3:45
Restored 4K Theatrical Version With Remixed 5.1 Stereo Surround Sound
Yellow Submarine, based upon a song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, is a fantastic tale brimming with peace, love, and hope, propelled by Beatles songs, including “Eleanor Rigby,” “When I’m Sixty-Four,” “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds,” “All You Need Is Love,” and “It’s All Too Much.” When the film debuted in 1968, it was instantly recognized as a landmark achievement, revolutionizing a genre by integrating the freestyle approach of the era with innovative animation techniques.
ADMISSION TO THIS PROGRAM: $13 General | $11 Seniors | $9 CFI Members
TO PURCHASE TICKETS, click the showtime on the date of your choice
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